New Los Angeles, 1922
This type of treatment makes even retail giant Amazon, who likes to bury its call center number deep inside the website to encourage everyone to use its web portal, seem archaic.
Zapoos meanwhile, uses a “Happiness Experience Form,” where each customer service rep has to satisfy the following:
- Did the agent try twice to make a personal emotional connection (PEC)?
- Did they keep the rapport going after the customer responded to their attempt?
- Did they address unstated needs?
- Did they provide a “wow experience?”
Zappos daher spends zero money on advertising, instead choosing word-of-mouth as the only way of attracting new customers. When a company is making $1billion in revenue from just clothing and accessories, you can start to understand why.
From the above four examples, you can see that customer service has helped these companies gain eingeschaltet edge over their competitors by seeing customer service as the key to building a successful brand. How have you and your business used customer service to supercharge growth?
Read Next: 6 ways to make your customer service unforgettable
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