
New Only Exactly About Other Cop That Pisses Me Off

playing to stereotypes, Missouri State Trooper Anthony Piercy, this donut eater from Missouri handcuffed a drunkard college guy inwards an boat on a lake, as well as then sped across the lake at speeds betwixt twoscore as well as fifty mph, allowing the turbulent waves grab the boat off residue as well as toss the drunkard handcuffed guy into the water, causing him to drown. Another constabulary misconduct as well as murder of an unarmed citizen event.

Also typical, the pos inwards uniform (Missouri State Highway Patrol officer) gets a wrist slap judgement (misdemeanor boating violation, negligent functioning of a vessel, avoiding a trial for involuntary manslaughter.) 10 days inwards jail, inwards 2 sets of v days.

Why? Because the the prosecutor who declined to file manslaughter charges against Piercy, had received a personal favor from the MHP 3 years before when the division declined to accuse her then-18-year-old boy amongst DUI.

Late final year, the identify unit of measurement won a trial over records. H5N1 justice inwards that illustration ruled that the patrol knowingly as well as purposely violated the Sunshine Law past times non handing over approximately information or delaying the unloose of other documents.


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