
New Know Why Kids Don't Wearing Clothing Upwards Every Mo Cops, Simply Wearing Clothing Upwards Every Mo Firemen? Firemen Are Heroes Who Relieve Lives, Pets, Together With Homes.... Together With Don't Shoot People, Final Result Tickets Together With Produce Destination Together With Frisks To Harass Innocent People Minding Their Ain Business.

If you lot don't agree, you lot haven't met firemen. If you're offended, piss off. Everything I wrote is a fact, non an opinion

Holy crap, you lot all lost your minds. You were both offended past times facts, too had melt downs instead of facing it, too saying, yeah, true, cops produce indeed shoot people, number tickets ( motorbike cops giving a tickets for no spot belts to drivers... figure that out), too harrass people amongst halt too frisks. 

here's the cop that hitting some biker at a halt sign, thence kicked him spell pointing a gun at him, finger on the trigger, too busted his jaw, total even out too result:  /search?q=just-another-asshole-that-became-cop

Firemen are heroes, they salve lives, pets, too homes. Things nosotros value. Cops ignore civil too constitutional rights every bit it's convenient, too they to a greater extent than frequently than non receive got immunity for the crimes they commit including manslaughter, laid on etc.

Exhibit A, asshole cop pepper spraying bikers who are doing absolutely zilch wrong

If you're frothing at the oral fissure nigh my taking this minute to celebrate firefighters, too signal out the facts nigh cops, acquire away. I never invited you, didn't inquire you lot to comment, too you lot don't know me.  If you lot can't grip my sticking upwards for us ordinary people, too voicing my protestation on my site? Adios. 

2 years ago, a cop inwards Georgia was doing ninety inwards a 55, too killed ii teenage girls.  /search?q=just-another-asshole-that-became-cop

I had no intent to waste product my fourth dimension writing out a rant, but, hey, screw it, some readers are inwards denial too hero worship all police, too ignore the fact that many are consummate assholes who swell people, too are likewise lazy to hold upwards professional, too produce anything useful for the expanse they are paid to enforce laws in. 

Also, far likewise many of you lot can't recall the many times I've posted a particular salute for the incredible cops that are awesome. Yup, I've got a 100 examples of constabulary existence utterly despicable, too most readers precisely lose their minds that I signal it out, too receive got null trouble concern nigh telling the truth, reporting the news, too leaving opinions out of it. 

So, without listing all the examples of bad cops, killing people, planting show too guns on the dead, doing cavity searches on the roadside, without gloves, on women, having sexual activity amongst underage interns, (that's statutory rape, precisely a reminder LAPD), boozer driving, killing their K9's past times leaning them inwards roasting cop cars, etc etc refer nauseum - it's all facts, from multiple sources, all tidings outlets.... hither are the examples of skilful cops that I receive got posted too... too some readers receive got forgotten all about. 

If in that place were to a greater extent than examples of awesome cops, I'd postal service them too. But, inwards 30000 posts, eleven years, NO ONE HAS EVER SENT ME ONE. I've industrial plant life them myself, similar most everything else I've posted. 

For existence the cop to honour the most stolen cars

pigment ball project design for meliorate policing

stolen automobile band busted

cops bust a grouping stealing vans too music equipment

brought a homeless woman rear of four lunch, tried to help

Gave a guy a wheel because they learned he walks to function v miles a day 

Cops existence proactive nigh cars getting stolen nigh the beach

cops getting smart too proactive nigh busting people on phones

busting prison theatre cellphone telephone users

cop acquire a kiddo a I pad... kiddo was working a lemonade stand, but had to give mom the cash for gas. 

too all of you lot receive got forgotten that I used to produce "hero of the day" 
he sang "twinkle twinkle picayune star" to the nipper whose dad had precisely died inwards the SUV rollover

Stopped to assist amongst a apartment tire

stopped to portion dejeuner amongst a homeless guy

helped kids laid their cycle tire

helping a wheelchair fountain guy across a road.


too my professional person favorite - Maine State Trooper Stephan Murray. The solely great cop I've e'er admired for his professionalism   /search?q=just-another-asshole-that-became-cop

That's all I receive got fourth dimension for, you lot tin honour the remainder if you lot desire to, they are all inwards the archives. Not that anyone remembers.

So, if you're all aggravated that I verbalize my mind? Deride cops for existence assholes when I postal service show of it? Piss off.

 I verbalize my heed when cops are cool too, but, you're likewise damn busy to fifty-fifty notice, remember, or travel on inwards heed that I'm equal opportunity, too NO ONE gets left behind. Ohana.

PS, if you're all offended, too think, ah, he's got it out of his system. Nope. Go away now, it's never going to terminate thence long every bit constabulary produce stupid illegal shit that pisses me off. You're precisely going to acquire offended over too over.

On the other hand, if you lot aren't some snowflake, fragile picayune pansy, too tin ride out the storm, stick around, I'm also going to postal service a lot of cool shit too, too when I come upwards across awesome cops, I'm going to salute them to. But that doesn't come upwards up inwards the tidings much, too that's non my fault, I produce what I tin to portion my admiration of EVERYTHING. If they aren't the professionals they should be, that's something I can't produce anything about, receive got it upwards amongst them. I was professional, thence were most of the guys I served with, too it's merely precisely something I did, similar many other things. It's inwards the past, too forgotten.

Once again, no 1 was invited to hold upwards a reader, I've never advertised to acquire to a greater extent than readers, too frankly, no 1 is going to affair to me if they halt reading along. There has solely e'er been a handful of people who e'er reached out to me inwards the eleven years, too one-half billion visits to this spider web log of mine, too no 1 else said every bit much every bit "boo", non a "peep" out of whatever of the remainder of you, similar 77MGB who never had a thing to tell until he got pissed off today. Oh effing well. You must non know me, obviously.

You're non my parents, or a girlfriend, I don't receive got kids, too unless you've went out of your agency to attain out to me too hold upwards my friend, why does it affair what you're offended nigh on my blog? Nothing was set hither for YOU. As Eddie Murpy's dad said "this is my house, if you lot don't similar it, acquire the F*&k out"

If you're amused too entertained, great! Job completed. If you're not, well, permit me honour your coin too refund it. Oh... yeah, that's right.... you lot never subscribed, bought a annual membership, etc. Get it? Enjoy this, or don't, but expecting me to tending that you're offended when I'm precisely relaying facts, too truth? Nah, non going to happen. I'm similar Dennis Leary, an asshole to some, comedian to others. What the hell produce offended people think this spider web log is anyway? You know what I mean?

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